IPTV Industry Dictionary is a free tool to get technical definitions and lookup industry terms from more than 11,000 terms, acronyms, and definitions.

IPTV Basics Book

IPTV Basics Book
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Analog Television - ATV Analog Television - ATV
Analog television is a process or system that transmits video images through the use of analog transmission. The analog transmission is divided into frequency bands or modulation types to transfer video and audio information.
Analog Television - ATV Analog Video - NTSC
NTSC Analog Video Diagram
This figure demonstrates the operation of the basic analog television system in NTSC format. This video source is broken into 30 frames per second and converted into multiple lines per frame. Each video line transmission begins with a burst pulse (called a sync pulse) that is followed by a signal that represents color and intensity. The time relative to the starting sync is the position on the line from left to right. Each line is sent until a frame is complete and the next frame can begin. The television receiver decodes the video signal to position and control the intensity of an electronic beam that scans the phosphorus tube ("picture tube") to recreate the display.
Technology, Operation, and Services IPTV Basics Books
IPTV Basics Book
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IPTV Basics Book
This book explains how to provide television services over IP data networks. IPTV video technology is explained including video compression, audio compression and IP multimedia transmission. The functional parts of IPTV systems are described along with their operation and the key protocols that are used to manage IPTV networks.

$34.99 Printed, $29.99 eBook
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